Samuel Delepoulle

Maître de conférences habilité à diriger les recherches

samuel point delepoulle at


Je m’intéresse aux relations entre perception visuelle et informatique graphique.

Depuis le 17 juin 2022, je suis Habilité à Diriger les Recherches.


  • S. Raux, C. Renaud, F. Rousselle & S. Delepoulle (2023) L’apport de la simulation numérique de l’éclairage pour l’analyse des ombres projetées en peinture. Une application à la Dibutade de Joseph Benoît Suvée (1791 Perspective p. 173-198

  • Y. Wamain, Marc Godard, A.-S. Puffet, S. Delepoulle, S. Kalénine (2023) Congruent action context releases Mu rhythm desynchronization when visual objects activate competing action representations. Cortex 161(3)

  • J. Buisine, F. Teytaud, S. Delepoulle & C. Renaud (2022) Guided-Generative Network: A New Robust Deep Learning Architecture for Noise Characterization in Monte-Carlo Rendering, Deep Learning Applications, Volume 4 (pp.293-315)

  • M. Godard, Y. Wamain, L. Ott, S. Delepoulle, S. Kalénine (2022) How Competition between Action Representations Affects Object Perception during Development. Journal of Cognition and Development, 1-25. -

  • Buisine, J., Delepoulle, S., Synave, R. & Renaud, C. (2021). Subjective human thresholds over computer generated images. 5281/ZENODO.4531460

  • Buisine, J., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2021). Minimalist And Customisable Optimisation Package. Journal of Open Source Software, 6.

  • Buisine, J., Bigand, A., Synave, R., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2021). Stopping Criterion during Rendering of Computer-Generated Images Based on SVD-Entropy. Entropy.

  • Buisine, J., Teytaud, F., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2021). Guided-Generative Network for noise detection in Monte-Carlo rendering. International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications.

  • Buisine, J., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2021). Fireflies removing in Monte Carlo rendering with adaptive Median of meaNs. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (2021).

  • Myrodia, V., Delepoulle, S. & Madelain, L. (2020). Foveal and peripheral vision for assessing the quality of computer-generated images. Journal of Vision, 20 (11), 355.

  • Takouachet, N., Delepoulle, S., Renaud, C., Zoghlami, N. & Tavares, J. M. R. (2017). Perception of noise and global illumination : Toward an automatic stopping criterion based on SVM. Computers and Graphics, 69, 49-58.

  • S. Delepoulle, A. Bigand, C. Renaud, Olivier Colot (2016) Low-Level Image Processing Based on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets and Scale-Space Smoothing

  • Delepoulle, S., Bigand, A., Renaud, C. & Colot, O. (2016). Low-Level Image Processing Based on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets and Scale-Space Smoothing. Recent Contributions in Intelligent Systems (p. 1-22). Springer International Publishing.

  • S. Delepoulle, A. Bigand, C. Renaud (2015) Noise Estimation for Computer-Generated Images Using an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Filter. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 323:617-628

  • Bartolo, A., Coello, Y., Edwards, M. G., Delepoulle, S., Endo, S. & Wing, A. M. (2014). Contribution of the motor system to the perception of reachable space : an fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40 (12), 3807-3817.

  • Constantin, J., Delepoulle, S., Bigand, A. & Renaud, C. (2013). Reduced-reference quality assessment of computer-generated images based on RVM. 2013 Third International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT).

  • Péroche, B., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2013). Rendering and Computer Graphics. Digital Color (p. 93-118). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Delepoulle, S., Bigand, A. & Renaud, C. (2012). A no-reference computer-generated images quality metric and its application to de- noising. 2012 6th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.

  • Renaud, C., Delepoulle, S. & Takouachet, N. (2011). Detecting Visual Convergence for Stochastic Global Illumination. Intelligent Computer Graphics 2011 (p. 1-17). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Chelle, D. M., Renaud, C., Delepoulle, S. & Combes, D. (2009). Light phylloclimate within growth chambers : a modeling approach. Compa- rative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A : Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 153 (2), S229.

  • Bartolo, A., Coello, Y., Delepoulle, S., Edwards, M., Endo, S. & Wing, A. (2009). Neurobiological basis of reachability judgement : an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 47, S171.

  • Loth, M., Preux, P., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2009). ECON : A Kernel Basis Pursuit Algorithm with Automatic Feature Parameter Tuning, and its Application to Photometric Solids Approximation. 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications.

  • Delepoulle, S., Renaud, C. & Preux, P. (2009). Light Source Storage and Interpolation for Global Illumination : A Neural Solution. Studies in Computational Intelligence (p. 87-104). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Delepoulle, S., Renaud, C. & Chelle, M. (2009). Improving Light Position in a Growth Chamber through the Use of a Genetic Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics (p. 67-82). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Takouachet, N., Delepoulle, S. & Renaud, C. (2007). A perceptual stop- ping condition for global illumination computations. Spring Conference on Computer Graphics.

  • Montagne, F., Preux, P. & Delepoulle, S. (2006). Introducing interactive help for reinforcement learners, Workshop on planning, learning and monitoring with uncertainty and dynamic worlds. ECAI Workshop

  • S. Delepoulle & J.-C. Darcheville (2006) Evolution of Cooperation Within a Behavior-Based Perspective: Confronting Nature and Animats. Lecture Notes in Computer Science

  • Preux, P.; Delepoulle, S. & Darcheville, J.-C. A generic architecture for adaptive agents based on reinforcement learning Information Sciences, Elsevier BV, 2004, 161, 37-55 http://10.1016/j.ins.2003.03.005

  • Montagne, F., Delepoulle, S. & Preux, P. (2003). A critic-critic architecture to combine reinforcement and supervised learnings. European Workshop on reinforcement Learning

  • Delepoulle, S., Preux, P. & Darcheville, J.-C. (2002). Learning as a Consequence of Selection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (p. 350-361). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Delepoulle, S., Preux, P. & Darcheville, J.-C. (2001). Selection of Behavior in Social Situations Application to the Development of Coordinated Movements. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (p. 384-393). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville (2000), Evolution of cooperation within a behavior-based perspective, Evolution Artificial, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1829.

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Learning as a consequence of selection, Artificial Evolution, Oct 2001, Le Creusot, France, Springer-Verlag, LNCS

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville, Un système coopératif pour la simulation comportementale. Application au contrôle d’un bras mobile, Neurosciences et sciences de l’ingénieur, Rennes, France, Septembre 2000

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Simulation of social behaviors: why and how?, M. J. of Behavior Analysis, 26(2), 191:209, Sep 2000

  • S. Delepoulle, J-Cl. Darcheville, Ph. Preux (2000), Cooperation in dependent situation: experiment on dyads, European Meeting on the Experimental Analysis of Behabior, Amiens, France, Juillet 2000.

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-Cl. Darcheville, Coopération en situation d’interaction minimale : quelle simulation ? Colloque ACCION “L’interdisciplinarité en sciences de la cognition”, Marseille, Jan 1999

  • S. Delepoulle, Ph. Preux, J-C. Darcheville, Répartition des tâches : coopération et apprentissage par renforcement, Journées Francophones d’Apprentissage, 201-204, Arras, Mai 1998