I am a Professor in Computer Science at Université du Littoral - Côte d'Opale. I teach in the computer science department (Master first year) and in the engineering school EILCO.
You can find some documents regarding my courses under the Teaching button. Most of the stuff you can find here is in French.
My current research activities fall into the area of Evolutionary Computing. Within this field my main interests are automatic programming techniques such as genetic programming. At present, I am at the head of the evolutionary research group called OSMOSE ..
Research topics
Evolutionary Algorithms
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic Programming (currently in French)
- Evolutionary Strategies
- Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
Artificial Intelligence
- Monte-Carlo Tree Search
- Applications to complex board games
Genetic Programming ?
I wrote some time ago a small tutorial to help people understand what Genetic Programming (GP) is. The tutorial is in French but as soon as I get some time, I will translate it in English or more likely in broken English. But if you're fluent in French, you can have a look at it. I've just updated this tutorial