Assisted discovery of optimal solution for logistics problems using ontology modeling
Adeel Hamad, Mourad Bouneffa, Cyril Fonlupt accepted for publications in Int. J. of Logistics Systems and Management subject 2021.A Semi Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for the Maintenance Scheduling and Routing Problem
Lamiaa Dahite, Rym Nesrine Guibadj, Cyril Fonlupt, Abdeslam Kadrani and Rachid Benmansour International Conference on Optimization and Applications Wolfenbüttel, Germany, 2021.Towards compact swarm intelligence: a new compact firefly optimisation technique
Lyes Tighzert, Cyril Fonlupt, Boubekeur Mendil International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology vol.60 No.2 2019.Urban Traffic Modelling and Simulation: Moroccan capital Study
Brahim Aboutaib, Lahoucine Ballihi, Cyril Fonlupt, Virginie Marion, Sébastien Verel SADASC'18 Maroc, Feb 2018.SIALAC Benchmark: On the design of adaptive algorithms for traffic lights problems (Poster)
Florian Leprêtre, Cyril Fonlupt, Sébastien Verel, Virginie Marion The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018) Kyoto, Japan, Jul. 2018.Information Gain Based Term Weighting Method for Multi-label Text Classification Task
Fabien Teytaud, Ahmad Mazyad, Cyril Fonlupt IEEE Technically Sponsored Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2018, London, UK, 6-7 Sept. 2018.A set of new compact firefly algorithms
Lyes Tighzert, Cyril Fonlupt, Boubekeur Mendil Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Volume 40, pp 92-115, June 2018.Urban traffic modeling and simulation: Moroccan capital case study
Brahim Aboutaib, Cyril Fonlupt, Virginie Marion, Sébastien Verel The 2nd International Conference on Smart Applications and Data Analysis for Smart Cities SADASC'18 Casablanca - Morocco, 27thand 28th February 2018.A Comparative Study on Term Weighting Schemes for Text Classification
Ahmad Mazyad, Fabien Teytaud, Cyril Fonlupt The Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data, Tuscany, Italy. 2017Learning new Term Weighting Schemes with Genetic Programming
Ahmad Mazyad, Fabien Teytaud, Cyril Fonlupt The Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution, Oct 2017, Paris, France. 2017.Analysis of a batch strategy for a Master-Worker adaptive selection algorithm framework
Christopher Jankee, Sébastien Verel, Cyril Fonlupt, Bilel Derbel, in 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madère, Spain, 2017.New Compact music-inspired Algorithms
Tighzert L., Fonlupt C., Boubekeur M., 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE-B). IEEE, Bormerdes, Algeria, 2017.On the Design of a Master-Worker Adaptive Algorithm Selection Framework
Christopher Jankee, Sébastien Verel, Cyril Fonlupt, Bilel Derbel, In 13th International Conference on Artificial Evolution, Paris, France, 2017.Intelligent Trajectory Planning and Control of a Humanoid Robot Using a New Elitism-Based Selfish Gene Algorithm
Lyes Tighzert, Thafsouth Aguercif, Cyril Fonlupt, and B. Mendil conférence 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC'17) Université de Bejaïa, Algeria, 2017.A novel approach to define and solve the Container Terminals Problems
Hayder Hendi, Adeel Ahmad, Mourad Bouneffa, Cyril Fonlupt The Fourth International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Education Technologies (CSCEET2017) April 26-28, 2017, Beirut, Lebanon.Rate-Learning Based Fish School Search Algorithm for Global Optimization
Thafsouth Aguercif, Lyes Tighzert, Boubekeur Mendil, and Cyril Fonlupt 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC'17) Université de Bejaïa, Algeria, 2017.A Fitness Cloud Model for Adaptive Metaheuristic Selection Methods
Christopher Jankee, Sébastien Verel, Bilel Derbel, Cyril Fonlupt, in 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN2016), pp. 1 - 10 , Scotland, 2016.Ontology based reasoning for solving passenger train optimization problem
Hayder Hendi, Adeel Ahmad, Mourad Bouneffa, Cyril Fonlupt, in Internatioanl Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications (AIC-MITCSA) , Al-Sadeq, Iraq, 2016.Distributed Adaptive Metaheuristic Selection: Comparisons of Selection Strategies
Christopher Jankee, Sébastien Verel, Bilel Derbel, Cyril Fonlupt, in pp. 83-96 , Lyon, France, 2015.Towards Human-Competitive Game Playing for Complex Board Games with Genetic Programming
Denis Robilliard, Cyril Fonlupt, in 13th International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA 2015), pp 123 - 135 Lyon, France, 2015.New Adaptive Selection Strategies for Distributed Adaptive Metaheuristic Selection
Christopher Jankee, Sébastien Verel, Bilel Derbel, Cyril Fonlupt, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2015. ACM, Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion '15, pp.1405--1406, Jul 2015, Madrid, Spain.Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the “Mr Jack” Board Game
Ahmad Mazyad, Fabien Teytaud, Cyril Fonlupt, in International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJSCAI), 2015.A Critical Reassessment of Evolutionary Algorithms on the cryptanalysis of the simplified data encryption standard algorithm
Fabien Teytaud, Cyril Fonlupt, in International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS 2014) , 2014.Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the game of "seven wonders"
Denis Robilliard, Cyril Fonlupt and Fabien Teytaud, in Computer Games Workshop, European Conference on Arificial Intelligence (ECAI) Prague, Hungary, 2014.Logistics Optimization using Ontologies
H.Hendi, A. Ahmad, M. Bouneffa, C. Fonlupt, in Proceedings of ICCSA 2014, June 23-23, 2014, Le Havre, France.A Continuous Approach to Genetic Programming
Cyril Fonlupt, Denis Robilliard, Virgine marion-Poty, in 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming, LNCS nº6621 pp 335-347, Torino, Italy, April 2011.Linear Imperative Programming with Differential Evolution
Cyril Fonlupt, Denis Robilliard, Virgine Marion-Poty IEEE Symposium on Differential Evolution Paris, France, 2011.Genetic Programming on Graphics Processing Units
Denis Robilliard, Virginie Marion-Poty, Cyril Fonlupt, Genetic Programming and Evolvale Machines, volume 20, Number 4, 2009.Genetic Programming for Protein Related Text Classification
Marc Segond, Cyril Fonlupt, Denis Robilliard in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary COnference (GECCO 2009),Montréal, Canada, july 2009.High Performance Genetic Programming on GPU
Denis Robilliard, Virginie Marion-Poty, Cyril Fonlupt Proceedings of BADS'09, 6th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing Barcelona, Spain, June, 2009.An Empirical Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Different Types of Predictor Attributes in Protein Function Prediction
Fernando Otero, Marc Segond, Alex Freitas, Colin Johnson, Denis Robilliard, Cyril Fonlupt, in Foundation in Computational Intelligence, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 5, Springer Verlag, pp 339-357, Springer Verlag, 2008.Population Parallel GP on the G80 GPU
Denis Robilliard, Virgine Marion-Poty, Cyril Fonlupt, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2008), Naples, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4917, pp 98-109, March 2008.An Empirical Boosting Scheme for ROC-based Genetic Programming Classifiers
Denis Robilliard, Virginie Marion-Poty, Sébastien Mahler, Cyril Fonlupt, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2007), Valencia, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4445, pp. 12-22, April 2007.Optimisation par Hommilière de chemins pédagogiques pour un logiciel d'e-learning
Grégory Valigiani, Evelyne Lutton, Cyril Fonlupt, Pierre Collet, Technique et Science Informatiques, Volume 26, nº10/2007, pages 1245-1268, Hermes, (in French).Evolutionary Computing for Detection of Retentive Structures in Coastal Waters
M. Segond, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, V. Marion, Journal of Software volume 1, issue 3, pages 14-23, september 2006.Iterative Filter Generation Using Genetic Programming
M. Segond, D. Robilliard, Cyril Fonlupt, Euro'GP 2006, Budapest, Hongrie, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3905, pages 145-153, 2006.Génération de filtres itératifs par programmation génétique
M. Segond, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Congrès Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle RFIA 2006, Tours, France, 2006.Projet ECHO: Etude comportementale des hommilières pour l'optimisation. Application : système de notation automatique pour l'e-learning
, Pierre Collet, Evelyne Lutton, Cyril Fonlupt, Grégory Valigiani, Raphaêl Biojout, Yannick Jamont, Epinet, magazine électronique de l'EPI, nº83, mars 2006.Book Review: Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence
C. Fonlupt, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, volume 6, pages 231-233, 2005.Santa Fe Trail Hazards
D. Robilliard, S.Mahler, D. Verhaghe, C. Fonlupt, 7th International Conference, Artificial Evolution 2005, Lille, Oct. 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3871, pages 1-12, 2005JEB: Java Evolutionary Byte-code - Implementation and test
F. Servant, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, poster at the 7th internal conference on Artificial Evolution, Lille, Oct. 2005.Refining optimization problem structure notion --- Travelling salesman problem is strongly structured
B. Weinberg C. Fonlupt D. Robilliard, in technical report LIL-MESC-05-1, ULCO, 2005.Retentive structures detection: an evolutionary approach
M. Segond, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, B. Planque, P. Lazure, in European Geosciences Union EGU'2005, Vienna, Austria, 2005.Tarpeian bloat control and generalization accuracy
S. Mahler D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt, in proceedings of EuroGP 2005, LNCS 3447, pp. 203-214, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005.Analysis of GP Improvement Techniques over the Real-World Inverse Problem of Ocean Colour
G. Valigiani, C. Fonlupt, P. Collet, in EUROGP'04 Coimbra, Portugal, April 2004. (Nominated as second best paper)International Conference on Artificial Evolution, EA'03, Marseille, France, October 2003, Selected Papers
P. Liardet, P. Collet, C. Fonlupt, E. Lutton, M. Schoenauer, Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2936 Springer Verlag 2004.Analysis of GP Improvement Techniques over the Real-World Inverse Problem of Ocean Colour,
G. Valigiani, C. Fonlupt, P. Collet EUROGP'2004 conference, LNCS , Coimbra, Portugal, April 2004.Ant algorithm for detection of retentive structures in coastal waters
M. Segond S. Mahler D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt B. Planque P. Lazure, LNCS 2936, Marseille, France, 2003.Exploring overfitting in genetic programming
Paris D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt, Artificial Evolution 2003, LNCS 2936, Marseille, France, 2003.Genetic programming with boosting for ambiguities in regression problems
G. Paris D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt, in proceedings of EuroGP 2003, LNCS 2279, pp183-193, (nominated as best paper) Essex, UK, 2003.Variabilité hydrologique courantologique du golfe de Gascogne, determinées à partir de simulations hydrodynamiques
B. Planque P. Petitgas C. Fonlupt D. Robilliard P. Lazure A.M. Jégou, in Présentation au colloque Golfe de Gascogne (Brest) december 2002 (in French).Validation of Genetic Programming Technique for Ocean Color Inversion
M. Chami D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt, poster at the Ocean Optics XVI Conference Sante Fe, USA, Nov. 2002.Automatic recognition of mesoscale hydrodynamical structures using swarm algorithms
P. Lazure B. Planque, D. Robilliard C. Fonlupt, poster at Open Science Meeting - GLOBEC Qingdao, China, Oct. 2002.Using EAs for Error Prediction in Near Infrared Spectroscopy
C. Fonlupt, S. Cahon, D. Robilliard, L. Duponchel EuroGP'2002 conference, 4th European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing Kinsale, Ireland, April 2002.Solving the ocean color problem using a genetic programming approach
C. Fonlupt Applied Soft Computing , Vol. 6, pages 1-10, 2001.5th International Conference on Artificial Evolution, EA'01, Le Creusot, France, October 2001, Selected Papers
P. Collet, E. Lutton, M. Schoenauer, C. Fonlupt, J.-K. Hao, Eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Springer Verlag, April 2002.Parallel Ant Colonies for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
EG Talbi, O. Roux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Future Generation Computer Systems , Vol. 17, pages 441-449, 2001.Backwarding: an Overfitting Control Method for Genetic Programming in a Remote Sensing Application
D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt in Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Artificial Evolution pages 263-274, Le Creusot, France, nov 2001.Applying Boosting Tecgniques to Genetic Programming
G. Paris, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt Evolution Artificielle 01 in Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Artificial Evolution, pages 315-326, Le Creusot, France, nov 2001.Genetic Algorithms to derive the diffuse attenuation coefficient from water leaving radiances in ocean case-2 waters
E. Devred, C. Fonlupt, R. Santer, D. Robilliard SPIE'2001, in Proc. of the 46th annual meeting on Int. Symposium on Opt. Science and Techniques, San-Diego, USA, aug 2001.Using Genetic Programming to Tackle the Ocean Colour Problem
D. Robilliard, M. Chami, C. Fonlupt, R. Santer OOXV (Ocean Optics XV), Monaco, Octobre 2000.Genetic Programming with Dynamic Fitness for a Remote Sensing Application
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature), , to appear in LNCS, Paris, September 2000.Ant Programming: or how to ants for automatic programming
O. Roux, C. Fonlupt ANTS'2000, (second International Conference on Ant Anglorithms) Brussels, Belgium, September 2000.La programmation génétique appliquée aux problèmes inverses d'images satellitaires
D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt Roadef'2000, Nantes, Janvier 2000.Reaching summits is not wandering, or, Getting insight into problem landscapes to go higher, faster
P. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, EG Talbi, V. Bachelet Technical Report LIL-99-5 Jan 1999.A Shepherd and a Sheepdog to guide Evolutionary Computation?
D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt EA'99, Evolution Artificielle 1999, Dunkerque, Novembre 1999.Co-operative Improvement for a combinatorial Optimization Algorithm
O. Roux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard EA'99, Evolution Artificielle 1999, Dunkerque, Novembre 1999.An Evolutionary Computation Scheme based on Attraction and Repulsion
D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt GECCO 99 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) Late Breaking Papers, p 212-222 Orlando, Florida, USA, July 1999.Simplicity can meet efficiency - The case of the TSP
P. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, Ecco XII (12th Meeting of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization) Bendor, Mai 1999.Fitness Landscapes and Performance of Metaheuristics
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux, EG Talbi, in Metaheuristics -- Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, Stefan Voss, Silvano Martello, Ibrahim Osman, Catherine Roucairol (eds), chap. 18, Kluwer Academic Press, pp 255-266, 1999.Data-Parallel Load Balancing Strategies
C.Fonlupt, P. Marquet, JL Dekeyser, Parallel Computing Vol 24, pp 1665-1684, 1998.The Fitness Function and its Impact on Local Search Methods
D. Duvivier, P. Preux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, EG Talbi IEEE SMC'98 (IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics) San Diego, USA, Oct. 1998.A Bit-Wise Epistasis Measure for Binary Search Space
C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, P. Preux, PPSN'98 (Parallel Problem Solving from Nature V), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 47-56, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, SeptemberANTabu, from Ants Colony to Artificial Ants
O. Roux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, EG Talbi ANTS'98 First International Workshop on Ants Colony Optimization Brussels, Belgium, October 1998.Paysage des problèmes NP-durs et métaheuristiques
C. Fonlupt, P. Preux, D. Robilliard, EG Talbi ROAD-F98, 1er congrès Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision (ROADF) Paris, Janvier 1998. Evolution
Artificielle 97 (EA'97), C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, Ph. Preux,
Fitness Landscapes and the Behavior of Heuristics, Proc. of
Evolution Artificielle 1997, pp 321-329, Nîmes, France, November
, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, P. Preux, EG Talbi, Fitness Landscape
and Performance of Meta-Heuristic, Proc. Meta-Heuristics 1997,
Sophia-Antipolis, France, August 1997.
, C. Fonlupt, D. Robilliard, P. Preux, Preventing Premature
Convergence via Cooperating Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings
Mandel'97, Brno, Czech Republic, June 1997
X , P. Preux, D. Robilliard, C. Fonlupt, Fitness Landscape And
The Performance Of Local Search Algorithms, (1 page abstract)
Tenth Meeting of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization,
Teneriffe, Canary Islands, May 1997