Matthieu PUIGT
Full Professor, Ph.D. in Signal Processing
Accreditation to supervise research
50 rue Ferdinand Buisson, B.P. 719,
62228 Calais Cedex, France
Phone: (+33) [0]3 21 46 56 75
Fax: (+33) [0]3 21 46 06 86
E-mail: matthieu [dot] puigt [at]
Advising experience
Post-doctoral researchers
I host(ed) the following post-doctoral researchers:
- N. Mashhadi (Feb. 2023 - Dec. 2023), co-hosted with C. Fonlupt, G. Roussel, S. Verel.
Work published in GOL'24.
- A. Alboody (Feb. 2020 - Aug. 2020 as a full-time researcher, Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2022 as a post-doctoral lecturer aka ATER), co-hosted with G. Roussel.
Work published in WHISPERS'21, IGARSS'21, ICASSP'22, Sensors, WHISPERS'22, GRETSI'22, GRETSI'23.
Ph.D. students
I advise(d) the following Ph.D. students:
- F. M'Rani (since Oct. 2024), Fusion comprimée de séries temporelles d'images Sentinel 2 et 3 pour l'observation marine, co-supervised with C. Jamet.
- Z. Jaber (since Feb. 2024), Analyse d'images satellitaires urbaines ou agricoles par apprentissage profond basé sur la factorisation matricielle multi-objective évolutionnaire, co-supervised with G. Faour and G. Roussel.
- K. Abbas (June 2021 - Sept. 2024), Dématriçage et démélange conjoints d'images multispectrales, co-supervised with G. Roussel.
Work published in WHISPERS'22, GRETSI'22, ICASSP'23, GRETSI'23, IEEE TCI Part 1, IEEE TCI Part 2, IEEE Sensors Letters.
- F. Yahaya (May 2018 - Nov. 2021), "Compressive informed (semi-)non-negative matrix factorization methods for incomplete and large-scale data, with application to mobile crowd-sensing data", co-supervised with G. Roussel.
Work published in iTwist'18, EUSIPCO'19, GRETSI'19, iTwist'20, ICASSP'21a, ICASSP'21b, IEEE TSP.
- C. Dorffer (Nov. 2014 - Dec. 2017), Méthodes informées de factorisation matricielle pour l'étalonnage de réseaux de capteurs mobiles et la cartographie de champs de pollution", co-supervised with G. Roussel.
Work published in LVA-ICA'15, ICASSP'16, SAM'16, MLSP'16, LVA-ICA'17, ECMSM'17, IEEE TSIPN.
I also did help advising during the Ph.D. theses of:
- P. Chatelain (Oct. 2019 - Nov. 2023), "Pré-traitements des images d'une caméra compacte de type spatio-spectrale pour la construction du cube hyperspectral en vue de l'extraction spectrale d'une scène agricole", mainly advised by G. Delmaire and G. Roussel.
Involvement visible through joint publications in Sensors, GRETSI'22, GRETSI'23.
- R. Chreiky (Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2017), "Informed Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Source Apportionment", mainly advised by G. Delmaire, G. Roussel, and A. Abche.
Involvement visible through joint publications in LVA-ICA'15, MLSP'16, ISSPIT'16.
- A. Limem (Nov. 2010 - Nov. 2014), "Méthodes informées de factorisation matricielle non-négative. Application à l'identification de sources de particules industrielles", mainly advised by G. Roussel and G. Delmaire.
Involvement visible through joint publications in MLSP'13, ESANN'14, MLSP'14, APNUM, Entropy.
M.Sc. students
M.Sc. apprenticeship
- C. Lams (ULCO, Sept. 2023 - Aug. 2025), co-supervised with J. Creusier
M.Sc. theses
- F. M'Rani (University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fès, Marocco, defended in July 2024), "Fusion spatio-spectrale d'images satellitaires à plusieurs résolutions : Application aux données Sentinel-2 et Sentinel-3", co-supervised with C. Guilloteau, C. Jamet, and G. Roussel.
- A. El Hyani (ENSET, Mohammédia, Marocco, defended in June 2024), "Accelerating Joint Demosaicing and Unmixing Approaches for Multispectral 'Snapshot' Images.", co-supervised with K. Abbas, G. Caron, and G. Roussel.
- C. Ben Azizi (INSAT, Tunisia, defended in Sept. 2023), "Modèles génératifs d'apprentissage profond pour l'émulation d'images hyperspectrales d'observation de la terre," co-supervised with C. Guilloteau and G. Roussel.
Work published in WHISPERS'24 and CNRIUT'25
- A. Hadir (University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fès, Marocco, defended in July 2022), "Fusion spatio-spectro-temporelle d'images satellites. Applications aux données Sentinel-2 et Sentinel-3," co-supervised with A. Alboody.
Work published in GRETSI'23
- C. T. Cissé (Sup Galilée, defended in Sept. 2021), "Fusion spatio-spectro-temporelle d'images satellites. Applications aux données Sentinel-2 et Sentinel-3," co-supervised with A. Alboody.
Work published in ICASSP'22, GRETSI'22
- H. Devulder (INP Grenoble, defended in July 2020), "Application de méthodes de séparation aveugle de sources aux enregistrements audio des boîtes noires aéronautiques," co-supervised with B. Bigot (BEA, Le Bourget, France).
Work published in JEP'22, GRETSI'22, JAES
- O. Vu thanh (INP Grenoble, defended in July 2020), "Méthodes rapides d'étalonnage in situ de réseaux de capteurs mobiles hétérogènes," co-supervised with F. Yahaya and G. Roussel.
Work published in ICASSP'21
- B. Bracq (EILCO, defended in Dec. 2017), "Engineering et validation d'un boitier de mesure de qualité de l'air pour le crowdsensing," co-supervised with G. Roussel.
- D. Pavlidi (Univ. of Crete, defended in March 2012), "Real-Time Multiple Sound Source Localization and Counting Using a Circular Microphone Array," co-supervised with A. Mouchtaris and A. Griffin.
Work published in ICASSP'12, SAM'12, EUSIPCO'12, IEEE TASLP
- I. Meganem (ENSEEIHT, defended in Sept. 2009), "Méthodes de Séparation Aveugle de Sources basées sur la parcimonie. Application aux images," co-supervised with Y. Deville.
Work published in ICASSP'10
- D. Grillière (Univ. Toulouse 3, defended in June 2009), "Séparation de sources mutuellement corrélées. Application aux signaux astrophysiques," co-supervised with S. Hosseini.
- B. Bigot (Univ. Toulouse 3, defended in June 2007), "Méthode à déflation de séparation aveugle de soures en analyse en composantes parcimonieuses — application aux signaux de parole," co-supervised with Y. Deville.
- D. Bissessur (Univ. Toulouse 3, defended in June 2005), "Méthodes de séparation aveugle de sources basées sur l'analyse en ondelettes : Application aux signaux de parole et aux images astrophysiques," co-supervised with Y. Deville
Work published in ESANN'06
Master projects (M1 and M2) and M1 internships
M1 and M2 refer to the first and second year of French M.Sc studies, respectively. ING2 and ING3 are equivalent to M1 and M2 years and refer to the second and third years in French engineering schools, respectively.
- P. Ducoroy (ING2 EILCO, defended in 2021), "Implémentation en Python d'approches d'apprentissage comprimé et analyse de l'apport d'un calculateur sobre en énergie, dédié à l'intelligence artificielle", co-supervised with G. Roussel
- S. El Bahi (ING2 EILCO, defended in 2017), "Programmation avancée pour le mobile crowdsensing"
- J. B. Arethens (ING2 EILCO, defended in 2016), "Amélioration et finalisation d'un boìtier de mesure de la qualité de l'air pour le crowdsensing", co-supervised with G. Roussel
- A. Poberznick (M1 INS3I, ULCO, defended in 2015), "Développement d'un boìtier de mesure de la qualité de l'air pour le crowdsensing, co-supervised with G. Roussel, C. Dorffer, and G. Delmaire
- S. Merkiled, A. Mesoudy Kassy, E. Moussaoui, S. Padonou: Research-oriented ING2 project (2023-2024), co-supervised with K. Abbas
- O. Abdenabaoui, W. Alimi, I. Bennajib, K. Fathi: Research-oriented ING2 project (2023-2024)
- M. Hasni, M. A. Korchi, K. Moutia: Research-oriented ING3 project (2023-2024), co-supervised with K. Abbas
- S. Dahou, M. Azouaoui, O. Abibi, Y. Oumenskou: Research-oriented ING2 project (2022-2023), co-supervised with K. Abbas
- M. Collet, Y. Haidala, M. Hejbane, Y. Ksyar: Research-oriented ING3 project (2022-2023), co-supervised with K. Abbas
- M. Najoui, O. Sraisah: Research-oriented ING3 project (2022-2023)
- P. Ducoroy, V. Gauweiler, B. Lyfoung, J. Numa: Research-oriented ING3 project (2021-2022), co-supervised with A. Alboody
- A. Barry, M. A. Ben Fatma, A. J. B. Melono: Research-oriented ING3 project (2020-2021), co-supervised with J. Creusier
- A. Godard, F. Rouquier, A. Ruiz: Research-oriented ING3 project (2020-2021), co-supervised with B. Bigot
- O. Benkabbou, C. Nouba: Research-oriented ING3 project (2019-2020), co-supervised with G. Roussel
- Z. Berrada, P Codio, K. Djoumessap: Research-oriented ING3 project (2019-2020), co-supervised with J. Creusier
- J. Blagny, M. Sabouni: Research-oriented ING2 project (2018-2019)
- T. Adamski, B. Delrue, L. Hivin, M. Sauvage: Research-oriented ING2 project (2018-2019), co-supervised with R. Rouvoy
- C. Ingouf, N. Pestelle: Research-oriented M1 project (2017-2018), co-supervised with G. Roussel and S. Verel
- S. Ehinger: Research-oriented M1 project (2017-2018), co-supervised with G. Delmaire and G. Roussel
- Y. Boumalak, Y. Salmi, and H. Kaddouri: Research-oriented ING3 project (2016-2017), co-supervised with G. Roussel
- J. Bayart, J Gallet, and J. Sablon: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2016-2017), co-supervised with G. Stienne
- A. Poberznick: M2 project (2015-2016), Research-oriented M1 project (2014-2015), co-supervised with G. Roussel, C. Dorffer, and G. Delmaire
- B. Peyret, J.-B. Arethens, and J. Bouhadma: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2015-2016), co-supervised with A. Porebski
- D. Ledez, and K. Ingadassamy, and S. Adolpe: Research-oriented ING3 project (2015-2016), co-supervised with P. Sondi
- S. Mimoun, O. Mokhlis, and A. Laraki: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2015-2016), co-supervised with N. Waldhoff
- S. Mimoun, O. Mokhlis, and A. Laraki: Teaching-oriented ING2 project (2014-2015), co-supervised with Y. Boussoualem
- B. Peyret, T. Thirouvenkadam, and A. Bomy: Teaching-oriented ING2 project (2014-2015)
- A. S. Bellaoui, H. El Biyaali, F.-Z. Rabti, and A. K. Thiombiano: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2014-2015)
- R. Goossen, M. Dillar, and H. Lamquami: Teaching-oriented ING2 project (2014-2015), co-supervised with P. Sondi
- O. Mufata: Research-oriented M1 project (2014-2015), co-supervised with P. Sondi
- V. Duflos and S. Prince: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2014)
- A. Grámacho Favero: Research-oriented M1 project (2013-2014), co-supervised with G. Delmaire
- A. Widehem: Research-oriented M2 project (2013-2014)
- M. O. Carette, A. Doudelet, and K. Chipan: Teaching-oriented ING3 project (2013-2014), co-supervised with N. Waldhoff
- M. M'Hammed and N. Phinées: Teaching-oriented ING2 project (2012-2013), co-supervised with G. Delmaire
- L. Grellier, D. Pailot, and F. Roynard: Research-oriented M1 project (2009)
- M. Haidara and I. Boukar: Research-oriented M1 project (2008), co-supervised with O. Berné
- M. Gabarot and B. Kabar: Research-oriented M1 project (2008)
- N. Kanj, A. Desbiaux, and J. Yasmine: Research-oriented M1 project (2008)
- D. Grillière and D. Coustellier: Research-oriented M1 project (2008), co-supervised with O. Berné and R. Guidara
Undergraduate students
I sometimes host undergraduate students who work on their diploma thesis, within the framework of my research activities.
- C. Lams (L3 Info, Sept. 2022 - Aug. 2023), "Développement d'un site et d'une application mobile de questionnaires," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- L. Bugnon (BUT2 Info, defended in June 2023), "Développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités sur une application multi-plateforme codée en Flutter," co-supervised with C. Lams and J. Creusier
- A. Denys (DUT Info, defended in June 2022), "Développement d'une application mobile d'enquètes en sciences de gestion," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- C. Lams (DUT Info, defended in June 2022), "Développement d'un site web de crétion de questionnaires," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- C. M. Mamboundou (DUT GIM, defended in June 2022), "Développement d'un système d'éclairage pour l'acquisition de données hyper-spectrales à variabilité spectrale"
- E. Vernalde (DUT Info, defended in June 2022), "Projet QLAPP - Développement d'un site web," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- E. Attenborough (DUT Info, defended in June 2021), "Développement d'une application d'enquètes distantes en sciences de gestion," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- H. Kamel (DUT Info, defended in June 2021), "Ré-écriture, débogage et intégration d'un serveur web pour un système d'enquète distante en science de gestion," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- T. Maillard (DUT Info, defended in June 2020), "QLAPP, Développement d'une application en science de gestion," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- B. Defevre (DUT Info, defended in June 2020), "Réalisation, design et ergonomie d’une application web de création de questionnaires," co-supervised with J. Creusier
- R. Bève (DUT GIM, defended in June 2018), "Conception d’un capteur de mesure de champ de vent pour le mobile crowdsensing," co-supervised with G. Roussel
- J. Deboudt (L3 SPI E4I, defended in June 2014), "Mesure de la qualité de l'air via des capteurs pilotés par une carte Arduino".
- X. Fontaine (L3 SPI E4I, defendend in June 2014), "Création d'une application Android permettant de communiquer avec une carte Arduino".
- A. Agnaou Achahour (L3 SPI E4I, defended in June 2013), "Utilisation de micro-contròleurs programmables pour l'apprentissage de l'informatique".